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Business Schools

Training 1 Présentation Chiffres clés o Conditions d’admission o Contacts

The Burkina School of Business (EBA) is a restructuring of the School of Commercial Professions (EPC) created in 1975 as part of the CCI-BF's support and assistance to the private sector.
The EBA offers the following courses:
Transit, Logistics Transport;
Management of companies and other organizations;
Management of small businesses;
Accounting and financial techniques.
Partnerships are also under way with the French School of Business and CESAG for the implementation of new training courses. The school is located in Naba Koom.
Admission requirements
Composition of the application file

Training pathways Levels required Documents to be provided
(Commercial Sales Technique)

·   A legalized photocopy of the diploma;

·   A birth certificate extract;
·   Two identity photos;
·   The completed registration form;
·   A handwritten request not stamped.

(Accounting and Commercial Administration)


Licence /TTL


BAC (All series)
BQP /BTP option: masonry, painting, tile and plaster-staff