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Accueil \ The Cci \ Historic


June 11, 1948: creation of the Institution in Bobo-Dioulasso (economic capital of Burkina Faso) under the name "Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry";
In 1973, she became the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of Burkina Faso (CCIA-BF);
Since 2007: it is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina (CCI-BF) in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2007-302 / PRES / PM / MCPEA of May 18, 2007.
CCI-BF is a Public Institution with professional character, legal personality, financial autonomy and management. It is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Some key dates:

November 13, 2016: Scrutin of the 4th consular elections throughout the national territory;
November 30, 2016: official installation of the new consular elected representatives and election of the members of the Consular Office and the President of the Institution;
December 19, 2016: handover between the Special Delegation and the Consular Office;
December 30, 2016: 1st General Assembly of Consular Members.