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Accueil \ The Cci \ The Special Entities

The Special Entities

In the course of its evolution and in a concern of performance in the service of the private sector of Burkina Faso, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has created or helped to create special entities that are:

1- The Office of Restructuring and Upgrading (BRMN): created by decree 08-063 / MCPEA / SG / DGDI of March 18, 2008, it is under the direct authority of the National Steering Committee (CPN) which it implements decisions and is in direct contact with companies.

The BRMN, operational interface of the Programs (PRMN and PRED), communicates, sensitizes the companies, receives and processes the applications of adhesion of companies to the various programs, ensures the follow-up of the execution of their plan of restructuration and of leveling it submits to the national steering committee, establishes the contracts with the companies awarded bonuses or financing and ensures compliance with all procedures for the validation of various pre-diagnosis reports and strategic diagnosis, release of funds in the form of a grant and / or credit granted to companies registered in the various Programs and monitoring of restructuring / upgrading plans validated by the National Steering Committee.

It implements stakeholder capacity building activities and carries out all the actions necessary to equip the programs with the tools necessary for a good understanding of the targeted sectors and a correct evaluation of the plans of upgrade and restructuring. More details at

2- The Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation of Ouagadougou (CAMC-O): This Center is a major innovation that contributes to the improvement, sanitation, and security of the legal and judicial environment in Burkina Faso Faso. It builds trust between Burkinabe economic operators and their foreign partners. Moreover, it contributes to unclogging state jurisdictions.

Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation are dispute settlement mechanisms whose organization is fundamentally based on the will of the parties. The use of these methods of dispute resolution is a widespread trend that marks the modernization of litigation management, particularly in the business world. It preserves the core business values ​​of confidentiality, speed, impartiality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

The Ouagadougou Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation Center thus plays a key role in the development and promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods in the English terminology.


3- The Center for Business Formalities (CEFORE): a unique gateway for companies that must complete the administrative formalities necessary for the creation, extension or takeover of companies, sole proprietorships or secondary establishments, CEFORE's mission is to support the creation of companies, to facilitate and simplify the actions of promoters with the different administrations.

4- The Certified Management Centers of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso are organizations of an associative nature, endowed with legal personality. Made operational thanks to the State of Burkina Faso and the European Union grant, the creation of CGAs has had the special contribution of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso (CCI-BF) and founding members who are 9. The target audience of the CGA are companies, natural and legal persons of commerce, industry, craft industry, services registered in the commercial register and mortgage credit (RCCM), under the Regime of the Simplified Real Taxation (RSI) or Informal Sector Contribution (CSI) companies wishing to opt for the RSI. The mission of the CGA is to promote the development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) through assistance in management, accounting, financial, tax and social management.

5- The Higher Institute of Electrical Engineering of Burkina Faso "ISGE-BF" was founded at the initiative of eighteen (18) companies of the energy and telecommunications sector, gathered around the Chamber of Commerce and of Burkina Faso (CCI-BF).

Since 2003, this institute has for vocation the training of high level in electrical engineering, thus answering the needs of the companies. Our institute is easily accessible.

The ISGE-BF is a higher education institution of professional and scientific character which is among the most dynamic higher schools. He enjoys a moral personality and educational autonomy and is an unparalleled interdisciplinary crossroads. It is also a professional training institute of exceptional wealth where all major sectors of the future, including Industrial Electricity, Computer Networks & Telecommunications and Industrial Maintenance are represented. You will find at ISGE all the services of proximity for your blooming.

It is located at ZAD II in Ouagadougou on the SIAO circular (Tansoba Boulevard n ° 2073), near CFAO Motors, in front of the CMA of Sector 30 and the National Public Health Laboratory.

6- The Burkina Faso Business House (MEBF): Focused on the baptismal font on September 10, 2002, the MEBF is a non-denominational, apolitical and non-profit association, which brings together natural and legal persons of private law. Its main mission is to participate in the development of a strong and competitive private sector, through the provision of a critical and coordinated mass of services to businesses and professional associations. To do this, the MEBF has the following missions:
setting up and running a reception, listening and orientation system for support programs for the private sector;
implementation of private sector support programs;
an interface role with administrations, private sector support institutions and service providers in the field of economic information, advice, training and administrative formalities;
any activity or ancillary or related operation necessary for the accomplishment of its object.

7- The Management Company of the SYLVIE platform (SOGESY): a public limited company created by the CCI-BF, it is in charge of the exploitation of the platform of the Virtual Liaison System for the Import and Export operations (SYLVIE ). This platform interconnects all the actors involved in the collection of documents for the purposes of customs clearance. It allows importers and exporters or their representatives (Authorized Customs Brokers) to collect all the documents required for the clearance of their goods in a simpler, faster and more economical way.