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Accueil \ The Cci \ President


Express biography: Son of an illustrious trader of the Northern Region (Ouahigouya), Mahamadi SAVADOGO is a sexagenarian. From his early childhood and with his father, he took a liking to business and commerce. Polyglot, he is fluent in French, English and Arabic.

A man of dialogue and consensus, he is involved in the settlement of conflicts between economic operators and whenever social cohesion is threatened.

The course of Mahamadi SAVADOGO was forged by travels, meetings and cultural exchanges. His nickname "Gaddafi" comes from his stay in Libya from 1978 to 1982, where he graduated. This stay also allowed him to build strong relations in the business community of Libya and to master perfectly the language of Shakespeare (English) and Arabic.

At the age of 25, Mr. SAVADOGO has invested in business. He goes to settle in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, then Lomé and Lagos. In these different cities, the competition is tough. And in front of that, Mahamadi SAVADOGO in good businessman, understood that to prosper, one must have a comparative advantage. Thus he began trips to Asia (Hong Kong and Singapore). He buys consumer goods and sells them cheaply at home in Burkina Faso. Hong Kong served as a point of supply for products of Chinese origin, at a time when China had not yet opened to the world.

From the status of individual entrepreneur, Mahamadi SAVADOGO builds a multisectoral group, the SMAF International Group (SAVADOGO Mahamadi and Brothers). The SMAF group, it must be said, is one of the first private groups in Burkina Faso. This group is currently composed of several entities ranging from the transportation of goods and hydrocarbons to major works (building, civil engineering ...) through real estate, hotel and trading.


His dynamism and leadership have earned him many national and international awards and honors.


Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SMAF International Group;

Shareholder and Director of several local companies;
Consular member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso;
President of the Circle Association of Young Entrepreneurs in BURKINA;
Member of several businessmen associations;

Commander of the National Order;
Officer of the National Order;
Knight of the National Order - 2005;
Knight of the Burkinabe Order of Merit - 2005;
Officer of the Order of Merit of Commerce -2005;
Knight of the Ivorian Order of Merit - 2003;
Oscar Winner of the African Managers Development Award - Dakar 1994;
Winner of the Oscar of Excellence Award - Paris 1999;
Winner of the 2002 FRANKFORT EUROPE ARCH Award for Q100 quality;
Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Thailand to Burkina Faso.